λ0001: Disallowed use of TryGetValue

TryGetValue should not be used.


TryGetValue is used outside one of the allowed use cases.

Reason for rule

TryGetValue is an advanced API that is needed to interoperate with imperative constructs, such as loops and catch filter clauses. Use of this API is restricted to prevent misuse. This is critical since TryGetValue is essentially a function to get the value out of the option.

How to fix violations

Use one of the functions provided on Option<T> such as Select, SelectMany, Match or GetOrElse.



static void Example(Option<int> option)
    const int fallback = 42;
    var valueOrFallback = option.TryGetValue(out var value) ? value : fallback;



public static IEnumerable<TItem> Successors<TItem>(Option<TItem> first, Func<TItem, Option<TItem>> successor)
    where TItem : notnull
    var item = first;
    while (item.TryGetValue(out var itemValue))
        yield return itemValue;
        item = successor(itemValue);

Catch filter clause

    // ...
} catch (Exception exception) when (FindHandlerForException(exception).TryGetValue(out var handler))

Option<IExceptionHandler> FindHandlerForException(Exception exception) => ...;